Features overview

DiffDaff provides many features and options for your comparison. It primarily consists of two parts:

  1. The main window where you can select the desired comparison
  2. The result window

The main window allows you to select the 2 files / folders / web pages that you would like to compare. Here you can also set different options for your comparison. Files and folders can be chosen by the browse buttons. To compare web pages, just select the option “Web Pages” and enter the url, like www.diffdaff.com. Click on “Compare” to start the comparison.

The result windows can be HTML files that will open in your default browser or HTA files (Hypertext Applications). Open in Internet Explorer and you can use the whole screen for the results. If you use Windows 2000 or earlier, the option “HTA” may not work correctly.

The result window will show the differences line by line:

  • identical lines (white)
  • changed lines (yellow)
  • deleted lines (green)
  • added lines (red)

You can also change the font and scroll horizontally or vertically through the results. An integrated search function is also provided. You may prefer to wrap long lines for an easier method of reading. Additionally, you can move the line between the two code windows for easier reading.

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